Who am I ? Choose art you like, find out who you are. Quiz.

I think, I have been pondering all my life, this way or another. Who am I ?
Why do I do what I do ? Unknown is scary. To most that is. WE label. To familiarize. It doesn’t have to be true, or even accurate. But it makes us feel at ease. I hope one day as humanity we embrace the unknown with tenderness and curiosity avoiding the fear and threat like reaction to anything or anyone that we cannot explain. We change, everything around us changes. To embrace changes and how to take it proud and what to think of it, and what art has to do with it all, read in my next blog. Here and now let’s dwell and discover a little about YOU. Just take one tiny step. Quiz.  See if results of it is  true to the core of who you think you are. Share with others,  if you feel like it. My own test results will be shared in a comment below. Quiz is on BBC website. Brits do it better. And I am not afraid if this phrase is going to come up in my next immigration appointment!

2 thoughts on “Who am I ? Choose art you like, find out who you are. Quiz.

  1. Here are the results of my quiz test. What are yours ? Please share. Is it accurate ?

    My results :

    My favorite type of art is Abstract. ( No kidding I paint abstract ! )

    In the personality profile I had a high intellectualism score, which suggests I like to think about abstract ideas and have a creative imagination.
    People who are the same age and sex as I am most likely to prefer Impressionism
    People who also score highly in my dominant personality trait are most likely to prefer Impressionism

    Very accurate, so far !

    hmmmm I wonder how does that relate to my collector’s personality’s assessment. Who is the collector collecting Maria Lankina’s art?

    Read below for a far deeper explanation of the statement above.

    I can’t wait for you to share YOUR results !

    More on my personality test :

    High extraversion
    People with high extraversion scores tend to thrive on company — they’re more likely to enjoy mingling and meeting new people. They crave stimulation and enjoy parties and other events where there’s a lot going on. They’d also tend to be very open about themselves and their emotions.

    High agreeableness
    People with high agreeableness scores engage positively with other people. They are keen to understand people’s feelings and feel real warmth for others. As they are so empathic, they like to make sure other people are happy and will do what they can to put people at their ease.

    High conscientiousness
    People with high conscientiousness scores like to do things properly. When they say they’ll do something, they do it. They have a keen attention to detail and like things to be ordered and in their place. They like organization and are prepared for every eventuality. They have a strong sense of responsibility.

    Low emotional stability
    People with low emotional stability scores have a very varied emotional life. They often have a lot of nervous energy, which can motivate them to do things. They have a strong emotional response to events and can’t always predict how they’re going to react, but whatever the reaction their life has a powerful emotional intensity.

    High intellectualism
    People with high intellectualism scores are interested the abstract. They like thinking about things they can’t see and have creative imaginations, able to dream up whole new worlds. They like to feel they understand things and will probe deeply into a subject to get as good an insight as possible.

    High emotional intelligence
    People with high emotional intelligence scores see themselves as emotionally well balanced. They believe they are good at empathizing with other people and have a good insight into their own emotional needs, drives and reactions. High scorers see themselves as well balanced and largely in control of their own emotions. They also tend to feel confident in interacting with people and believe they are able to connect with and influence others by using their emotional understanding


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